Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.06.030 Contents of Complaint; a Complaint Must Contain

(a) the name of the jurisdiction where it is filed;

(b) the names of the person(s), government, or business(es), complained of, if the defendant(s) name is known, and if not, then such name(s) as may be given by the complainant;

(c) a statement signed by the complainant attesting to the facts constituting the offense, in plain and concise language;

(d) the time and place of the commission of the offense, as near as may be ascertained;

(e) the general name and statute of the crime or public offense committed;

(f) the person, government, or business against whom, or against whose property, the offense was committed, if known; and

(g) if the offense is against the property of any person, government, or business, a general description of such property.