Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.15.080 Direction of Verdict of Acquittal

At any time after the evidence on either side is closed, the Tribal Court may, upon motion of the defendant or upon its own motion, direct a verdict of acquittal, or direct the jury to return a verdict of acquittal; and in the event of the failure of the jury to return such a verdict of acquittal, the Court may refuse to receive any other verdict and may discharge the jury and enter a judgment of acquittal. The denial of the motion by the defendant for a directed verdict may be reviewed upon appeal to the Tribal Court of Appeals. A directed verdict of acquittal must be based upon the determination that there is no material fact to be determined by the jury, or even if there is any fact to be determined, that no reasonable person could conclude upon the evidence presented that the defendant is guilty.