Chapter 11.03 Wills: Interpretation 11.03.010 Intention of Testator Governs 11.03.020 Will Excludes All Oral Declarations 11.03.030 Construed Together If Several 11.03.040 Distinct Devise; Not Affected by Inaccuracies 11.03.050 Ambiguities Construed by Other References 11.03.060 Words Taken in Ordinary Sense 11.03.070 Every Expression Given Effect 11.03.080 To Prevent Intestacy 11.03.090 Technical Words 11.03.100 Bequest of Residue 11.03.110 When Bequest Passes to Those Entitled to Succeed 11.03.120 Postponed Possession 11.03.130 Class Includes All 11.03.140 When Real Property Deemed Personal Property 11.03.150 Unborn Child Included 11.03.160 Imperfect Description Corrected Without Evidence of Declarations 11.03.170 Testamentary Disposition; on Attaining Majority; Vests at Testator's Death 11.03.180 Divested Only by Precise Contingency 11.03.190 Interests in Remainder Unaffected 11.03.200 Conditional Disposition Defined 11.03.210 Condition Precedent 11.03.220 Condition Precedent Vests on Fulfillment; Exceptions 11.03.230 Condition Subsequent; When It Divests 11.03.240 Owners in Common