Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

13.02.010 In This Title, the Following Terms Shall Be Defined as Follows:

(a) "DOMICILE" shall mean a person's permanent residence (Article III, Section 3, Constitution and Bylaws of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians.

(b) "Filing" shall mean actual delivery or postmark for delivery by deadline date to the appropriate Election Board official.

(c) "Legal Relationship" shall mean a relationship by virtue of legally recognized document for the purpose of marriage, guardianship, adoption, or foster care.

(d) "Notice of Intent" shall mean written notification by a candidate of that person's intent to run for office.

(e) "Resident" shall mean an enrolled Turtle Mountain Chippewa person or persons physically living in a particular place within the boundaries of Rolette County.

(f) "Official/Officer" shall mean a person vested with the authority of a Tribal or judicial elected or appointed office.

(g) "Referendum" shall mean an action by the tribal governing body to refer any enacted or proposed Tribal Council resolution, ordinance or constitutional amendment to the voters for their approval or rejection.

(h) "Voters" shall mean all voters entitled to vote in the Tribal Elections, based on Amendments 1 & 2 of the Turtle Mountain Constitution and Bylaws approved by the Secretary of the Interior.

(i) "Enrolled member" shall mean any member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians listed on the membership roll maintained by the Secretary of Interior, or designated representatives.

(j) "Spoiled ballot" shall mean a ballot which is not stamped and/or initialed by the Election Judge or Inspector, contains any stickers, write-ins or other markings which are not required in order to cast a vote, or is mutilated, torn, or otherwise damaged in such a manner as to render it impossible to determine how or for whom the voter cast his or her vote.

(k) "RECALL" shall mean an election to vote on whether a particular elected official should be removed from office.

(l) A "QUALIFIED VOTER" shall mean an enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians who meets the qualifications set out in Section 13.03.010 of this Title and in Article V, Section 2 (a) and (b) of the Turtle Mountain Tribal Constitution and Bylaws.

(m) "TALLYING" shall mean by hand or electronic equipment.