Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

13.05.010 Election Board Duties Before the Election

It shall be the responsibility of the Election Board to:

(a) Receive and review all notices of intent and determine whether the candidate is qualified for office according to qualifications listed in Chapter 13.07 and determine that such notice is filed by the posted deadline;

(b) Prepare and publish any Notice of Election as described in §13.1002 and §13.1206 of this title;

(c) Determine the order for placement of the candidates' names on the ballot in accordance with Section 13.08.010;

(d) Prepare and post a list of eligible candidates at least fourteen (14) days before the primary election in each voting district and seven (7) days before the General election in each voting district;

(e) Prepare and provide each polling site with ballots listing:

(1) The names of qualified candidates for elective office in accordance with Article V, section 4(B) of the Constitution; and

(2) Any proposed constitutional amendments or referendum issues;

(f) Make arrangements for the polling places, obtain all materials such as ballots, pencils, ballot boxes and establish such records as are required by this chapter;

(g) Distribute absentee ballots as provided in Chapter 13.09 of this title;

(h) Maintain a record of absentee ballots mailed, to whom mailed, the date of mailing, the date of the return of the ballot and name and address from whom received;

(i) Select two election judges from and for each district;

(j) Select an election clerk or clerks from and for each district; and

(k) Distribute rules governing campaigning and election day conduct to all candidates at the time the candidate files his or her notice of intent.