Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

13.05.050 Duties of the Election Inspector

It shall be the duty of the Election Inspector to:

(a) Confirm in the presence of an Election Board member that the ballot box is empty of all ballots prior to the opening of the polls and padlock the ballot box after such inspection;

(b) Stamp all ballots with district number and initial all ballots;

(c) Open and close the polls at the prescribed time;

(d) Authorize a replacement ballot to a qualified voter upon his or her determination that the previous ballot has been spoiled, keep all spoiled ballots separate from other ballots and deliver such spoiled ballots to the Election Board along with the ballot box;

(e) Unlock each ballot box after the close of polls in the presence of the Election Judge(s);

(f) Assist the Election Judge(s) in the tally of the ballots; and

(g) Transport the locked ballot boxes received from the Election Judge(s) containing all ballots and election records of each polling site to the Chairperson of the Election Board.