Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

13.10.070 Campaigning

(a) Campaigning on Election Day is prohibited within one hundred feet (100') of any building containing a polling site. "Campaigning" includes, but is not limited to, the posting, handing out, or other distribution of publicly viewed campaign materials or signs and speech-making. A violation of this provision constitutes election tampering pursuant to §26.1106 of the Tribal code.

(b) All publicly viewed campaign materials and signs must be removed within five (5) days following the General election. Candidates will be charged a $100 deposit by the Tribe at the time they sign their Notice of Intent to Run for Office. Fifty dollars ($50) is a Tribal administrative fee and fifty dollars ($50) may be reimbursed. Should a candidate fail to remove such campaign materials, five (5) days after the General Election, they will lose their deposit. TMBC916-09-14