Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

13.12.070 Notice of Recall, Referendum or Constitutional Amendment Election

(a) A notice of a recall, referendum or constitutional amendment election shall include:

(1) the date of the election;

(2) location of the polling places;

(3) time the polls shall be open; and

(4) the name(s) of the officer(s) to be recalled, the issue to be referred, or the proposed constitutional amendment.

(b) A recall ballot shall be in the following form:


A petition for recall of _________________________________________________

(Officer's Name)

Who holds the office of __________________________________________________


Had been received by the Tribal Council and validated by the Election Board.

_______ Yes A "YES" vote is "IN FAVOR" of removing _______________________


_______ No A "NO" vote is "AGAINST" removing ____________________________


(c) The referendum ballot shall be in the following form:


Resolution/Ordinance number [specify Resolution or Ordinance and number] proposed to be passed by the Tribal Council or passed by the Tribal Council or [specify date passed], for the purpose of: [indicate purpose of resolution or ordinance] has been referred to a vote of the qualified voters of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians.

_______ Yes A "YES" vote is "IN FAVOR" of keeping the Tribal Council

resolution or ordinance (Number) in effect.

_______ No A "NO" vote is "AGAINST" keeping the Tribal Council resolution or

ordinance (number) and prohibiting the Tribal Council from enacting

or reconsidering the legislation for a period of six (6) months.

(d) A constitutional amendment ballot shall be in the following form:


[Article __ Section ] of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Constitution and Bylaws currently reads:

[insert text of current constitutional provision at issue] By a petition received by the Tribal Council and validated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs it has been proposed that [Article Section ___] be amended to read as follows:

[insert proposed amended text]

_______ Yes A "YES" vote is "IN FAVOR" of amending

Article _______Section _______.

_______ No A "NO" vote is "AGAINST" amending

Article _______Section _______.