Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

13.13.020 Grounds for Removal

The following offenses may be grounds for removal. Removal may be instigated by a majority of the Tribal Council assembled for removal purposes.

(a) Any Tribal Council officer or Tribal Council representative who has been convicted of a felony.

(b) Any officer or representative who is required to furnish bond for the protection of tribal property and funds as required by the Constitution, and said person cannot secure bonded protection for the benefit of the Tribe.

(c) Any Tribal Council officer or Tribal Council representative who willfully is absent without just cause, such as prolonged or serious illness, from two (2) or more consecutive regular meetings.

(d) A representative who moves his or her residence beyond the boundary of Rolette County, North Dakota, shall vacate his office on the date of the move.

(e) An officer who moves residence beyond the boundary of Rolette County, North Dakota, shall vacate the office on the date of the move.

(f) Any officer or representative who shall be guilty of omission of duty or who shall willfully and corruptly be guilty of oppression, misconduct or misfeasance in the discharge of the duties of his office.