Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code

Title 15 Construction Codes and Standards

Chapter 15.01 Zoning

15.01.010 Townsites

Townsites, once established, shall be mapped to indicate the zones for residential, industrial, commercial, recreational areas and other facilities.

Chapter 15.02 Building and Construction

15.02.010 Foundation

All buildings moved to or constructed upon town lots shall be placed on concrete or masonry foundations, the depth and width of such foundations to be determined by the size and approximate weight of buildings to be placed thereon.

15.02.020 Material Quality

All buildings moved to or constructed upon town lots shall be substantial and constructed in a workmanlike manner. "Substantial" is intended to mean that materials of good quality and of sufficient size for the type of building to be constructed shall be used.

15.02.030 Location

Location of buildings on lots shall be placed a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet from front lot lines.

15.02.040 Footings

Homes shall have 8" x 16" poured concrete footings with 12" thick (min.) sidewalls either poured or four (4) courses of concrete block as a minimum. Footings shall have two (2) rows of ½" rebar, lapped and tied on corners. Concrete to be five (5) parts aggregate to one (1) part concrete as a minimum. Foundations should be vented. Proper ventilation louvers installed in gable ends.

15.02.050 Access

Access to attic and adequate crawl space is to be provided in homes.

15.02.060 Joists

Floor joists to be 2 x 8 – 16 o.c. or 2 x 10 – 24 o.c. and not to exceed 12-foot free span on floor joists without support. Spans over 8" shall have briding.

15.02.070 Flooring

Rough flooring should be at least ¾" overlayed with from 3/8" to ½" plywood or like materials. Final floor finish should be tile, linoleum or like materials.

15.02.080 Walls

(a) Wall studs to be 16" o.c. ceiling joists to be 16" o.c. and roof rafters to be no more than 24" o.c. Roof to be not less than ½" plywood sheathing. Eaves to be a minimum of 12" boxed in.

(b) Sidewalls with not less than 3" bat insulation and ceilings insulated with not less than 6" bat insulation.

Ceiling heights to be not less than 7'3". No less than ½" sheetrock or like material on interior walls. Ceilings not less than 3/8" covering.

(c) Outside wall studs to be covered with not less than 25/32 sheathing or 3/4" wood siding. Sheathing to be covered with any approved finish siding (shakes, lap siding, drop siding, etc.).

15.02.090 Windows

Windows to be good grade and weather-stripped. Suggest outside storm and screen combination.

15.02.100 Shingles

Shingles to be lock tab or self-sealing. 235 pounds.

15.02.110 Doors

Suggest all outside doors be minimum 1 3/4 good grade hollow core or solid panel fir or pine. Hardware to conform in quality to door. Inside 1 3/8 hollow core. Inside trim to be not less than 2 1/4" milled trim.

15.02.120 Space

Consider minimum floor space for family 150' for first person and an additional 100' for each additional person, this space not to include bathroom.

15.02.130 Chimneys

Chimneys shall be brick, tile, prefabed chimneys or steel construction and shall be constructed to meet the needs of the stove or heating unit used. Under no circumstances shall homeowners be permitted to use stovepipe for chimneys.

15.02.140 Plumbing and Sewage

(a) All plumbing vents and sewer line shall be governed by the current National Plumbing Code.

(b) Bathroom not to be opened directly into kitchen area.

(c) Bathroom, water heater and kitchen sink to be medium grade (or better) recognized brand such as Crane, American or comparable brand. Three-fourths inch (3/4") coppery water-line-1 grade or better from street to building.

(d) Copper L-grade inside building. Hard-L-grade recommended underground or better. Four-inch vitrified clay tile, 4" cement asbestos or 4" iron sewer pipe to be used. Connections to be made in accordance with good plumbing practices.

(e) Hot water heaters to be not less than 30-gallon capacity.

(f) Privies for Rural Areas. Should be standardized and should be constructed to meet sanitary standards. Privies do not require foundations but materials used for floors should be treated with a wood preservative to prevent rot. Privies as well as other buildings should be painted to present a neat looking appearance.

(g) Rural residents should construct and use garbage disposal pits that meet sanitary standards. Pit covers for garbage disposal pits should be treated with a wood preservative to prevent rot. Approved incinerators should be used for paper.

15.02.150 Electricity

Installation of wiring and electrical fixtures must be performed to meet the minimum safe requirements as set forth in the current edition of the REA or Otter Tail Power Company. All houses to have porch lights over doors.

15.02.160 Log Buildings

(a) Construction shall be substantial and performed in a workmanlike manner. Log buildings should be placed on concrete foundations.

(b) Framing for floor, ceiling, roof, and partitions for a log building should be performed in the same manner and in accordance with standards recommended for frame buildings.

15.02.170 Fencing

Barbed wire for the construction of fences within the residential area will not be permitted.

15.02.180 Trailer Houses

Trailer houses should be parked in a trailer court.

15.02.190 Housing Code

Minimum standards for housing are as adopted. It should be the goal of all residents within the town to meet or exceed the minimum standards for housing.

15.02.200 Consideration

Consideration to be given where strict enforcement of codes would work a hardship on families due to lack of finances and in the case of plumbing code, lack of water supply.