Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

18.05.060 Rights of Provisional Licensee

(a) An applicant receiving a provisional license has the right to:

(1) Receive a written statement of all areas of the center, which are presently in noncompliance;

(2) Receive a written statement of the rationale of the designated tribal licensing office for the denial of an unrestricted child care license; and

(3) Appeal the denial of an unrestricted license to the TERO Commission within fifteen (15) days of the denial. The TERO Commission shall provide the applicant with notice and an informal hearing on the licensure before at least three (3) members of the TERO Commission within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the request for appeal.

(b) A provisional license, subject to the exceptions contained in this chapter, entitles the licensee to all rights and privileges afforded the holder of an unrestricted childcare license. Receipt of a provisional license will be recognized by the Tribe as evidence of compliance with licensure requirements of this chapter.

(c) The licensee must publicly post or display the provisional license in clear view of patrons of the childcare center.