Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

19.01.070 License; Qualifications for

No retail license shall be 1ssued to any person unless the applicant shall sign a sworn application, accompanied by the required fee, showing the following qualifications:

(a) Applicant, if an individual, must be a citizen of the United States, and be a person of good moral character.

(b) If applicant is a corporation, the manager of the licensed premises, and the officers, directors and stockholders must be citizens of the United States, and persons of good moral character. Corporate applicants must first be properly registered with the Secretary of the Tribal Council.

(c) If applicant is a co-partnership, all the members must be citizens of the United States and residents of North Dakota for a period of more than one (1) year prior to the date of application, and be persons of good moral character.

(d) Applicant or manager must not have been convicted of a felony.

(e) Building in which business is to be conducted must meet Tribal and state requirements regarding the sanitation and safety.

(f) If applicant's place of business is to be conducted by a manager or agent, said manager or agent must possess the same qualifications required of the licensee.