Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

21.06.080 Use by One Utility of the Facilities of Another Utility

Whenever upon hearing, after due notice, the Commission has found that the public convenience and necessity requires the use by one (1) electric utility of the conduits, wires, poles, pipes or other equipment or any part thereof on, over or under any street or highway and belonging to another electric utility, and that such use will not result in irreparable injury to the owner or other users of such equipment, nor any substantial detriment to the service, and that such electric utilities have failed to agree upon such use or terms and conditions or compensation for the same, the Commission, by order, may direct that such use be permitted, and prescribe reasonable compensation and reasonable terms and conditions for such joint use. If such use is directed, the electric utility to which the use is permitted shall be liable to the owner or other users of such equipment for such damages as may result therefrom to the property of such owner or other users thereof. In lieu thereof, the Commission may order retail wheeling to accomplish the same purpose.