Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

22.02.010 Findings

The Tribal Council finds as follows:

(a) The Tribal Council has, pursuant to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, the authority to adopt and implement procedures for the orderly administration of the business of the Tribe, the protection of the rights of those who transact business with the Tribe, and for the provision of direction concerning the manner and duties to which the employees and officers of the Tribe must adhere in the fulfillment to tribal responsibilities.

(b) The Turtle Mountain Tribe has jurisdiction to enforce the Turtle Mountain Administrative Procedures Act and to insure that all persons, whether residing upon the Turtle Mountain Reservation or conducting business of other activities within the Tribe's Jurisdiction are provided with due process of law. Tribal Jurisdiction of all such persons and lands is necessary, to protect the economy, health, safety and welfare of the Reservation population.

(c) The Turtle Mountain Chippewa Tribe will be strengthened and enhanced by the establishment of administrative procedures for rulemaking and for contested cases involving the granting, denial, or revocation of licenses, permits, benefits, or privileges. TAPA will also assist in assuring the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of Tribal members and of all persons residing or doing business within the Tribes' jurisdiction by formalizing Tribal guarantees that no person within Tribal jurisdiction shall be deprived of liberty or property by Tribal governmental action without due process of law.