Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

22.11.060 Petition for Administrative Hearing

(a) A person adversely affected by a decision or order of a Chief Executive Officer of an agency m ay, within 30 days or receipt of the decision or order, file a petition for hearing with the Chief Executive Officer of the agency and with the Tribal Council Secretary. Upon receipt of a petition for Hearing, the Chief Executive Officer of the agency shall transmit to the Senior Hearing Officer the petition and the administrative record of the matter including, but not limited to, the order or decision of the Chief Executive Officer.

(b) No later than 10 calendar days after the receipt of the petition by the Senior Hearing Officer, the assigned Hearing Officer shall set a schedule for Hearing and notify interested persons or parties of the same by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. The notice to petitioner shall include a copy of the administrative record transmitted to the assigned Hearing Officer. The hearing shall be held within 30 days of the date of notice of schedule unless the time is extended by the Hearing Officer for good cause shown and shall be expedited if required by law or for good cause shown by the petitioner.

(c) At a minimum, a petition for hearing shall contain:

(1) the name, mailing address, and telephone number of the petitioner and of the petitioner's authorized representative, if any;

(2) if the petitioner is a business or other organization, the location of organization and the principal place of business;

(3) a statement of the facts constituting the alleged injury to the petitioner's interests; and

(4) the relief requested.