Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

22.11.080 Final Orders

(a) A final order or decision shall include findings of fact and conclusion of law, separately stated.

(b) Findings of facts shall be based exclusively on the evidence and on matters officially noticed.

(c) Each conclusion of law shall be supported by authority or by a reasoned opinion.

(d) If a party submitted proposed findings of facts, the decision shall include a ruling upon each proposed finding.

(e) Parties shall be noticed either personally or by mail of any decision or order. Upon request, a copy of the decision or order shall be delivered or mailed forthwith to each party and to their attorney or record.

(f) Senior Hearing Officer shall index and file with the Tribal Council Secretary all final decisions and orders, including declaratory rulings. No decision or order of a Hearing Officer is valid or effective against any person or party nor may it be invoked by any agency for any purpose until it has been so filed and made available for public inspection. This provision is not applicable in favor of any person or party who has actual knowledge of a decision or order or when public disclosure of a decision or order is prohibited by law.