Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

24.40.080 Endorsements; Instructions

(a) An endorsement of a certificated security in registered form is made when an appropriate person signs on it or on a separate document an assignment or transfer of the security or a power to assign or transfer it or his or her signature is written without more upon the back of the security.

(b) An endorsement may be in blank or special. An endorsement in blank includes an endorsement to bearer. A special endorsement specifies to whom the security is to be transferred, or who has power to transfer it. A holder may convert a blank endorsement into a special endorsement.

(c) An endorsement purporting to be only of part of a certificated security representing units intended by the issuer to be separately transferable is effective to the extent of the endorsement.

(d) An "instruction" is an order to the issuer of an uncertificated security requesting that the transfer, pledge, or release from pledge of the uncertificated security specified therein be registered.

(e) An instruction originated by an appropriate person is:

(1) a writing signed by an appropriate person; or

(2) a communication to the issuer in any form agreed upon in a writing signed by the issuer and an appropriate person. If an instruction has been originated by an appropriate person but is incomplete in any other respect, any person may complete it as authorized and the issuer may rely on it as completed even though it has been completed incorrectly.

(f) "An appropriate person" in subsection (a) means the person specified by the certificated security or by special endorsement to be entitled to the security.

(g) "An appropriate person" in Subsection (e) means:

(1) for an instruction to transfer or pledge an uncertificated security which is then not subject to a registered pledge, the registered owner; or

(2) for an instruction to transfer or release an uncertificated security which is then subject to a registered pledge, the registered pledgee.

(h) In addition to the person designated in Subsections (f) and (g), "an appropriate person" in Subsections (a) and (e) includes:

(1) if the person designated is described as a fiduciary but is no longer serving in the described capacity, either that person or his or her successor;

(2) if the persons designated are described as more than one person as fiduciaries and one or more are no longer serving in the described capacity, the remaining

(3) fiduciary or fiduciaries, whether or not a successor has been appointed or qualified;

(4) if the person designated is an individual and is without capacity to act by virtue of death, incompetence, minority, or otherwise, his or her executor, administrator, conservator or like fiduciary;

(5) if the persons designated are described as more than one person as tenants by the entirety or with right of survivorship and by reason of death all cannot sign, the survivor or survivors;

(6) a person having power to sign under applicable law or controlling instrument; and

(7) to the extent that the person designated or any of the foregoing persons may act through an agent, his or her authorized agent.

(A) Unless otherwise agreed, the endorser of a certificated security by his or her endorsement or the originator of an instruction by his or her origination assumes no obligation that the security will be honored by the issuer but only the obligations provided in Section 24.40.060.

(B) Whether the person signing is appropriate is determined as of the date of signing and an endorsement made by or an instruction originated by him or her does not become unauthorized for the purposes of this article by virtue of any subsequent change of circumstances.

(C) Failure of a fiduciary to comply with a controlling instrument or with the law of the jurisdiction having jurisdiction of the fiduciary relationship, including any law requiring the fiduciary to obtain court approval of the transfer, pledge, or release, does not render his or her endorsement or an instruction originated by him or her unauthorized for the purposes of this article.