Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

24.41.030 Issuer's Duty as to Adverse Claims

(a) An issuer to whom a certificated security is presented for registration shall inquire into adverse claims if:

(1) a written notification of an adverse claim is received at a time and in a manner affording the issuer a reasonable opportunity to act on it prior to the issuance of a new, reissued, or reregistered certificated security, and the notification identifies the claimant, the registered owner, and the issue of which the security is a part, and provides an address for communications directed to the claimant; or

(2) the issuer is charged with notice of an adverse claim from a controlling instrument it has elected to require under Section 24.41.020(d).

(b) The issuer may discharge any duty of inquiry by any reasonable means, including notifying an adverse claimant by registered or certified mail at the address furnished by him or her or, if there be no such address, at his or her residence or regular place of business that the certificated security has been presented for registration of transfer by a named person, and that the transfer will be registered unless within thirty (30) days from the date of mailing the notification, either:

(1) an appropriate restraining order, injunction, or other process issues from a court of competent jurisdiction; or

(2) there is filed with the issuer an indemnity bond, sufficient in the issuer's judgment to protect the issuer and any transfer agent, registrar, or other agent of the issuer involved from any loss it or they may suffer by complying with the adverse claim.

(c) Unless an issuer is charged with notice of an adverse claim from a controlling instrument which it has elected to require under Section 24.41.020(d) or receives notification of an adverse claim under Subsection (a), if a certificated security presented for registration is indorsed by the appropriate person or persons the issuer is under no duty to inquire into adverse claims. In particular:

(1) an issuer registering a certificated security in the name of a person who is a fiduciary or who is described as a fiduciary is not bound to inquire into the existence, extent, or correct description of the fiduciary relationship; and thereafter the issuer may assume without inquiry that the newly registered owner continues to be the fiduciary until the issuer receives written notice that the fiduciary is no longer acting as such with respect to the particular security;

(2) an issuer registering transfer on an endorsement by a fiduciary is not bound to inquire whether the transfer is made in compliance with a controlling instrument or with the law of the jurisdiction having jurisdiction of the fiduciary relationship, including any law requiring the fiduciary to obtain court approval of the transfer; and

(3) the issuer is not charged with notice of the contents of any court record or file or other recorded or unrecorded document even though the document is in its possession and even though the transfer is made on the endorsement of a fiduciary to the fiduciary himself or to his or her nominee.

(d) An issuer is under no duty as to adverse claims with respect to an uncertificated security except:

(1) claims embodied in a restraining order, injunction, or other legal process served upon the issuer if the process was served at a time and in a manner affording the issuer a reasonable opportunity to act on it in accordance with the requirements of Subsection (e);

(2) claims of which the issuer has received a written notification from the registered owner or the registered pledgee if the notification was received at a time and in a manner affording the issuer a reasonable opportunity to act on it in accordance with the requirements of Subsection (e);

(3) claims (including restrictions on transfer not imposed by the issuer) to which the registration of transfer to the present registered owner was subject and were so noted in the initial transaction statement sent to him; and

(4) claims as to which an issuer is charged with notice from a controlling instrument it has elected to require under Section 24.41.020(d).

(e) If the issuer of an uncertificated security is under a duty as to an adverse claim, he or she discharges that duty by:

(1) including a notation of the claim in any statements sent with respect to the security under Subsections (c), (f), and (g) of Section 24.41.080; and

(2) refusing to register the transfer or pledge of the security unless the nature of the claim does not preclude transfer or pledge subject thereto.

(f) If the transfer or pledge of the security is registered subject to an adverse claim, a notation of the claim must be included in the initial transaction statement and all subsequent statements sent to the transferee and pledgee under Section 24.41.080.

(g) Notwithstanding Subsections (d) and (e), if an uncertificated security was subject to a registered pledge at the time the issuer first came under a duty as to a particular adverse claim, the issuer has no duty as to that claim if transfer of the security is requested by the registered pledgee or an appropriate person acting for the registered pledgee unless:

(1) the claim was embodied in legal process which expressly provides otherwise;

(2) the claim was asserted in a written notification from the registered pledgee;

(3) the claim was one as to which the issuer was charged with notice from a controlling instrument it required under Section 24.41.020(d) in connection with the pledgee's request for transfer; or

(4) the transfer requested is to the registered owner.