Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

25.01.220 Patron Disputes

(a) Patrons with complaints against the gaming establishment shall have as their sole remedy the right to file a petition for relief with the Tribal Gaming Commission. Complaints shall be submitted in writing.

(b) The Commission shall hold a hearing within 30 days of receipt of the petitioner's complaint.

(c) The petitioner may have counsel present at the hearing.

(d) The petitioner may be allowed to present evidence, at the discretion of the Commission.

(e) After the hearing, the Commission shall render a decision in a timely fashion.

(f) All such decisions will be final when issued. Any patron complaint must be submitted to the Commission within thirty (30) days of the incident giving rise to the complaint.

(g) All claims by patrons shall be limited to a maximum recovery of $1,000 per occurrence, and a cumulative limit of $3,000 per patron in any 12-month period, except disputes relating to a patron's entitlement to a game prize, which shall be limited to the amount of such prize. The Commission's decision shall constitute the complainant's final remedy.

(h) Complaints and Disputes must be mailed to the Gaming Commission at P.O. Box 900, Belcourt, ND 58316.