Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

26.05.060 Self Defense

A person is justified in using force upon another person to defend himself against danger of imminent unlawful bodily injury, sexual assault, or detention by such other person, except that:

(a) A person is not justified in using force for the purpose of resisting arrest, execution of process, or other performance of duty by a public servant under color of law, but excessive force may be resisted.

(b) The person coming to the defense has not, by provocation or otherwise, forfeited the right of self-defense

(c) A person is not justified in using force if:

(1) He/she intentionally provokes unlawful action by another person to cause bodily injury of death to such other person; or

(2) He/she has entered into a mutual combat with another person or is excessive in the circumstances. A person's use of defensive force after he/she leaves from an encounter and indicates to the other person that he/she is discontinuing the mutual combat subsequently is justified if the latter nevertheless continues or menaces unlawful action.