Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

26.11.260 Harboring an Excluded or Removed Individual

(a) Any person who:

(1) Secretly provides shelter, lodging, protection to conceal an individual who has been excluded or removed by Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Title 39 proceeding;

(2) A resident of a Turtle Mountain Housing Complex who knowing, attempts, or assists to provides shelter or residence to an individual who has been excluded or removed by Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Title 39 proceeding;

(3) Assists an excluded or removed individual in eluding any law enforcement agency by providing false information; or

(4) Secretly provide shelter, lodging, protection to conceal or who knowingly, attempts, or assists by providing false information, shelter or residence to any person trying to elude the exclusion and removal law.

(b) Any person who violates and subsection of this provision shall be guilty of a Class 2 offense for the first offense, and any second or third offense shall be a Class 3 Offense. Exclusion and removal is defined by Tribal Code Title 39.

(c) Non-Indian residing within the territory and jurisdiction shall be subject to a forfeiture of a sum not more than five hundred dollars ($500) and shall be responsible for the restitution associated with any of the above offenses enumerated in paragraphs 1-2.