Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

26.13.240 Terrorizing

A person is guilty of terrorizing and a Class [4] four offense if:

(a) He/She with intent to place another in fear for that person's or another person's safety or causes in reckless disregard to the risk of causing such terror, disruption, or inconvenience, the person; or

(b) He/She threatens to commit any crime of violence or act dangerous to human life; or

(c) He/She informs another that a situation dangerous to human life or the commission of a crime of violence is about to occur knowing the information to be false; or

(d) He/She attempts to coerce, rule or control another by threat, violence or intimidation.

(e) He/She causes evacuation of a building, place of assembly or facility to cause the occupants of a building to be moved to or required to remain in a designated secured area.