Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

26.17.110 Unlawful Manufacture of Controlled Substances

Except as authorized by this title, it is unlawful for an person to possess, with intent to manufacture, distribute or deliver, a controlled substance or a controlled substance analog. Intent under this subsection may be demonstrated by without limitation because of enumeration, evidence of the quantity and monetary value of the substances possess, the possession of manufacturing implements or paraphernalia, and the activities or statements of the person in possession of the controlled substance or a controlled substance analog prior to and after the alleged violation. Violations of this subsection shall be punished as follows:

(a) One gram or less of a Schedule I drug is a Class 3 offense.

(b) One or more grams of Schedules I-V are Class 4 offenses.

(c) Five grams or more of Schedule I-V are Class 5 Offenses.