Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

26.19.020 General Definitions

(a) "DANGEROUS WEAPON" includes any switchblade or gravity knife, machete, scimitar, stiletto, sword, or dagger; any throwing star, nunchaku, or other martial arts weapon, any billy club, blackjack, sap, bludgeon, cudgel, metal knuckles, or sand club; any slingshot; any bow and arrow, crossbow, or spear; any stun gun; and any projector of a bomb or any object containing or capable of producing and emitting any noxious liquid, gas, or substance.

(b) "DIRECT SUPERVISION OF AN ADULT" means that an adult is present in such close proximity so as to be capable of observing and directing the actions of the individual supervised.

(c) "FIREARM" or "WEAPON" means any device which will expel, or is readily capable of expelling, a projectile by the action of an explosive and includes any such device, loaded or unloaded, commonly referred to as a pistol, revolver, rifle, gun, machine gun, shotgun, bazooka or cannon.

(d) "PLAIN VIEW" means the handgun is placed in such a location or carried in such a position as to be easily discernible by the ordinary observation of a passerby. In a motor vehicle, this includes being placed on the seat, dashboard, or in a gunrack as long as the handgun is not covered or is in any other way concealed from view.

(e) "RIFLE" means any firearm designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and using the energy of the explosive in a fixed metallic cartridge to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each pull of the trigger.

(f) "SECURED" means the firearm is closed into the trunk or non passenger part of the vehicle; placed into a closed and secure carrying device; rendered inoperative by the use of a trigger, hammer, cylinder, slide, or barrel- locking device that renders the firearm incapable of firing until the device is unlocked and removed; or so disassembled or disabled as to be rendered incapable of firing until the device is unlocked and removed; or so disassembled or disabled as to be rendered incapable of firing.

(g) "SHORT-BARRELED RIFLE" means a rifle having one or more barrels less than sixteen (16) inches (40.64 centimeters) in length and any firearm made from a shotgun, whether by alteration, modification, or otherwise, if the firearm, as modified, has an overall length of less than twenty-six (26) inches (66.04 centimeters).

(h) "SHORT-BARRELED SHOTGUN" means a shotgun having one or more barrels less than eighteen (18) inches (45.72 centimeters) in length and any firearm made from a shotgun, whether by alteration, modification, or otherwise, if the firearm, as modified, has an overall length of less than twenty-six (26) inches (66.04 centimeters).

(i) "SHOTGUN" means a firearm designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and using the energy of the explosive in a fixed shotgun shell to fire through a smooth bore either a number of ball shot or a single projectile for each single pull of the trigger.

(j) "SILENCER" means any device for or attached to any firearm which will silence or deaden the sound or natural report of the firearm when it is discharged.

(k) "UNLOADED" means the chamber of the firearm does not contain a loaded shell. If the firearm is a revolver, then none of the chambers in the cylinder may contain a loaded shell. Handguns with a removable magazine or clip must have the magazine or clip removed from the firearm if the magazine or clip contains any loaded shells.