Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

26.20.070 Failure to Control or Report a Dangerous Fire

Any person who knows that a fire which was started or maintained, albeit lawfully, by him or her or with his or her assent is endangering life or a substantial amount of property of another is guilty of a Class 2 offense if: such person willfully fails either to take reasonable measures to put out or control the fire when he or she can do so without substantial risk to himself or herself or to give a prompt fire alarm to the 9-1-1 call center, forestry office, fire department, or other proper authority. Failure to make this report shall be a misdemeanor and the occupant of the premises shall be deemed prima facie guilty of negligence if the unreported fire spreads from the property or causes damage, loss, injury to another person, or property damage to another person.