Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

28.01.030 Elections

Elections of the TISA Board of Directors shall be conducted by rules and procedures promulgated by the TISA Board of Directors subject to those provisions contained in Article V – Nominations and Elections of the Constitution and By-laws of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians and considered to be applicable.

(a) Membership in Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians

(b) Age, 18 years old for voting purposes

(c) Age, 25 years old for candidates

(d) Residency

(e) Absentee ballots

(f) Registration

The TISA is directed to define its territorial Service Area and create, within those definitions, equitable population distribution to meet the Federal requirements of one man, one vote.

The Board of Directors shall enact a procedural Election Code which shall be subject to review by the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Council for sufficiency and compliance to the preceding Constitutional requirements.

The Election Code shall be carefully framed to ensure that the rights of persons affected by the election are safeguarded.

Violations of the TISA Election Code provisions shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Turtle Mountain of Chippewa Indians' courts as referenced in the Election Code.