Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

33.03.110 Improper Use of Evidence of Registration

A civil fine of $75.00 may be imposed upon any of the following:

(a) A person who lends to another a registration plate, knowing that the person borrowing the plate is not authorized by law to use it; or

(b) A person who displays upon a vehicle or registration plate not issued for such vehicle or not other otherwise authorized by law to be used thereon; and

(c) A person who willfully twists, paints, alters or adds to or cuts off any portion of a registration plate or sticker; or who places or deposits, or caused to be placed or deposited on such plate or sticker any substance to hinder the normal readings of such plate; or who defaces, disfigures, changes or attempts to change any letter or figure thereon.