Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

34.01.010 Definitions

In this Bond Code, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires:

(a) "Governing body" means the Turtle Mountain Tribal Council, or any of its duly elected or appointed Boards or Authorities, and political subdivisions, including as such, each of the wholly owned Tribal corporate bodies either Chartered by the Tribe or on behalf of the Tribe, Chartered by the U.S. Department of the Interior pursuant to the Indian Reorganization Act provisions for the granting of a corporate charter of the United States under the 1. R.A., unless said charter shall prohibit the issuance of bonds.

(b) "Initial resolution" means any resolution or ordinance adopted pursuant to this Bond Code, by which a proceeding is instituted for the purpose of authorizing the Tribe or any of its political subdivisions or wholly owned corporate entities to borrow money and issue bonds for essential governmental purposes as herein defined.

(c) "Recorded" means copied at length in the record book required by this Bond Code.