Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

35.03.030 Permit Dealers; Bond

(a) Hunting, fishing, and Recreation Permits shall be prepared by the Department and furnished to permit dealers. Such permits shall be available to the public from these dealers. Permit dealers shall sell permits only as authorized by this Code.

(b) Permit dealers shall provide a bond to the Tribe in an amount set by the Department to protect the interests of the Tribe, and the permit dealer shall pay the premiums on such bonds.

(c) No later than January 30th of each year, permit dealers shall provide the Department with a report of permits sold during the previous calendar year. Such reports shall contain the following information:

(1) The total number of permits sold;

(2) The total amount of money collected for the sale of all permits;

(3) The number of permits sold by category.

(4) Such other information, which may be reasonably requested by the Department.

(d) All permits in a permit dealer's possession shall be returned to the Department within ten (10) days of a written request by the Department or as otherwise directed by the Department.

(e) With Tribal Council approval, the Department may promulgate other rules and regulations, which shall apply to permit dealers.

(f) Permit dealers who violate any provision of this Code may have their dealer's licenses suspended or revoked, after notice and hearing, and may, in addition, be subject to a Class Two Civil Penalty or criminal sanctions.