Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

35.06.160 Bond Notice Procedures

(a) If feasible, the officer shall issue a Bond Notice to a suspected violator before the officer takes possession of any bond property. An officer may seize bond property first and then issue a Bond Notice if the officer reasonably believes that the delay caused by the Bond Notice Procedure could:

(1) Jeopardize the safety of the officer; or

(2) Lead to a breach of the peace; or

(3) Jeopardize the opportunity to receive a Field Bond; or

(4) Allow the suspected violator the opportunity to flee the jurisdiction of the Tribe.

(b) The Bond Notice shall be prepared in duplicate and be signed by the suspected violator. One signed copy of the Bond Notice shall be attached to the Complaint and filed with the Tribal prosecutor; the other copy shall be given to the suspected violator.

(c) The Bond Notice shall contain the following information:

(1) The date;

(2) The suspected violator's name and address;

(3) The Complaint number;

(4) The alleged violation;

(5) The maximum dollar amount of the penalty;

(6) The Liquidated Damages amount;

(7) The required bond amount;

(8) The signature and identification number of the issuing officer;

(9) If a cash bond is posted, the amount received;

(10) If a property bond is posted, a description of the property, including serial and model numbers, where available, and the officer's estimate of the value of the property;

(11) Information concerning the redemption or return of the Field Bond;

(12) Any other information, which may be reasonably requested by the Department.