Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

36.01.020 Purpose

The purpose of this code is to establish and promulgate Tribal law for protecting, preserving, serving and honoring the physical health, mental health, and wellness of Elders within the jurisdiction of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa. The Elders possess irreplaceable knowledge, skills, and experience which are vital to the enrichment of the Tribe. Tribal interests are, now and in the future, advanced when the Elders are protected from abuse, neglect, self-neglect and exploitation. Therefore, the Tribe recognizes the need to protect, preserve, and provide services to our Elders through the enforcement of this code, along with the establishment of the Elders Protection Team, which is a protective service administered under the Tribe and created by this code. This code shall be liberally interpreted in order to achieve its purpose.