Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

36.02.010 Elder's Rights

The dignity and need for self-reliance of the Tribe's Elders shall be acknowledged and respected by the family and tribal community. The rights of each Elder shall be recognized and protected by the tribe.

(a) An Elder has the right to be treated with dignity and respect;

(b) An elder has the right to make their own choices regarding personal affairs, care, benefits, and services;

(c) An Elder has the right to be free from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and retaliation;

(d) An Elder has the right to protective services of the Elder Protection Team and if protective measures are required the Elder has the right to designate a guardian or representative;

(e) The Elder shall receive notice of and have the right to attend, either in person or by electronic means, any court hearings to which he or she is a party.

(f) The Elder shall have the right to refuse services from the Elder Protective Services provided that the Elder is able to care for himself/herself and/or has the capacity to understand the nature of the services offered unless court ordered.