Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

39.01.010 Purpose and Intent

(a) The Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, hereby finds and determines that it is necessary to provide a means whereby the Tribe can protect itself, its members and other persons living in Indian Country within its territory and jurisdiction and all land of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians from people whose presence or activities are harmful to or threatens harm to the peace, health, safety, morals, political integrity, economic security and general welfare of such members and other persons.

(b) Exclusion is necessary in order to allow the Tribe to maintain and protect the aforementioned interests of enrolled Tribal members and community members free from harm or the threat of harm, to protect the cultural identity and resources of the Tribe, and to protect those residents living within its territory and jurisdiction.

(c) Exclusion of said individuals is further intended to preserve the peace, health, safety, morals, political integrity, economic security and general welfare of all members and other persons who may be imposed upon, harmed or otherwise disadvantaged and to clamp down on repeat offenders who pose a continuing nuisance and/or threat to the people living within the territory and jurisdiction.

(d) This title provides notice and process to those affected by its execution.