Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

4.02.100 Appraisal of Property Seized

As soon as practicable upon receipt of the property seized under a writ of execution, the clerk of the Tribal Court shall cause it to be appraised item by item by three (3) disinterested parties, one (1) to be selected by the plaintiff, one (1) by the defendant and one (1) by the Clerk of Court, and all to be placed under oath by the clerk to make a just and true appraisal. If either plaintiff or defendant or both fail to select an appraiser, the clerk shall make the selection. If a majority of the appraisers cannot agree on an appraisal of any item of seized property within forty-eight (48) hours of their appointment, the Clerk may appoint new appraisers. Cost of appraisals shall be assessed and deducted from the sale held pursuant to Section 4.02.110.