Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

4.05.040 Notice Before Garnishment of Earnings

At least ten (10%) days before the issuance of any garnishee summons against the earnings of any person, the creditor shall serve upon the debtor a notice that a garnishee summons may be issued. The notice must be served personally or by certified mail. Failure to serve the notice renders any subsequent garnishment void. The notice must be in substantially the following form:

To: _____________________ Date: _____________________

Judgement Debtor

Please take notice that a garnishee summons that will require part of your wages to be withheld may be served upon your employer, without any further court proceedings, or notice to you, at any time after ten (10) days following the date of this notice. For each dependent family member residing with you, the amount subject to garnishment for any workweek may be reduced by thirty dollars ($30), if within ten (10) days after receipt of the garnishee summons you provide to your employer a verified list of the dependent family members residing with you and their social security numbers, if any. You may wish to contact the undersigned judgment creditor, or attorney to arrange for the settlement of the debt, which is $______.


Judgment Creditor
