Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

4.05.110 Effect of Disclosure

Subject to the provisions of Section 4.05.120, "Oral disclosure", and Section 4.05.130, "Third party may intervene", the disclosure is conclusive as to all property of defendant. If the garnishee denies having any indebtedness to the defendant or having any property of the defendant in possession, the filing in court of a copy of the disclosure operates as a full discharge of the garnishee at the end of twenty (20) days from date of service of the disclosure, in the absence of further proceedings as provided for in Sections 12, "Oral disclosure", and 13, "Third party may intervene". The filing of objections to the disclosure or the filing of any motion or other proceedings operates as a stay of the discharge. The court may, upon proper showing, relieve the plaintiff from the operation of the discharge after the expiration of twenty (20) days. The garnishee may be discharged where the value of the property of defendant held or indebtedness owing to defendant is less than ten (10) dollars, and the garnishee may apply to the court to be discharged as to any property or indebtedness in excess of the amount which may be required to satisfy plaintiff's judgment.