Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

40.04.010 Responsibilities

The owner, agent, or occupant of every dwelling, residence, premises or business establishment on the Turtle Mountain Reservation shall be responsible for the sanitary condition of said dwelling, residence, premises, or business establishment. No person shall place, deposit, or allow to be placed or deposited on his premises or on any public street, road or alley, streams, springs, or bodies of surface or ground water, any refuse or other objectionable waste, except in a manner described in this Act.

(a) The owner, agent, or occupant of any dwelling, residence, premises, or business establishment, shall be responsible for the storage and stockpiling of all refuse accumulated for proper collection and disposal.

(b) It is the responsibility of each owner or occupant of every dwelling, residence, premises or business establishment, or agency to properly store hazardous wastes and to locate an approved certified hazardous waste site which accepts such waste and arrange for its disposal.

(c) All dangerous materials and substances shall be rendered harmless prior to collection and disposal as solid waste or refuse.