Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

40.10.010 Containers

The owner, agent or occupant of every dwelling, business establishment or other premises where refuse accumulates, shall provide a sufficient number of suitable and approved containers for receiving and storing of refuse and shall keep all refuse therein. The owner, agent or occupant of every dwelling, business establishment or other premises where refuse accumulates, shall be responsible for the safe and sanitary storage of all solid waste accumulated at that premise until it is removed,

(a) Approved containers shall be maintained in a manner consistent with this Act and acceptable to the ISWMP. Containers that are broken or otherwise fail to meet the requirements of this Act, shall be replaced.

(b) Drop-box containers shall be periodically disinfected, and shall be steam cleaned and painted as deemed necessary by the ISWMP.

(c) Approved individual containers shall be stored off the ground on racks or stands and easily accessible for collection by the SWMP or authorized representatives.