Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

40.16.080 Compliance Schedule

The Compliance Officer shall develop a compliance schedule for any violation of a permit issued pursuant to this Act or any other violation of this Act that cannot be corrected immediately and include such compliance schedule as part of a NOV or Order. The compliance schedule shall assure that diligent progress shall be made by the responsible person, government agency or permittee to bring the solid, special or hazardous waste management facility, transporter or other activity or situation into compliance with the minimum standards of this Act and any applicable permit within a specific period of time determined by the TM-EPA Director and the Compliance Officer. If the person, permittee, government agency, facility or transporter is not in compliance within the period specified, the Compliance Officer may assess additional fines or penalties and/or recommend to the Tribal Council that they revoke, suspend, or modify the permit until such time as violations of the minimum standards are remedied.