Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

40.17.180 Documentation and Release of Information

(a) Documentation for penalty sought in administrative legislation: In order to support the penalty proposed in the administrative enforcement action, enforcement personnel must include in the case file an explanation of how the proposed penalty amount was calculated. As a sound case management practice in administrative cases, a case "record" file should document or reference all factual information on which the TMBCI/EPA Compliance officer will need to rely to support the penalty amount sought in the enforcement action. Full documentation of the reasons and rationale for the penalty complaint amount is important to expeditious, successful administrative enforcement of RCRA violations. The documentation should include all relevant information and documents which served as the basis for the penalty complaint amount and were relied upon by the Director of the TMBCI/EPA. In general, only final documents, but not preliminary documents, such as drafts and internal memoranda reflecting earlier deliberations, should be included in the record file. All documentation supporting the penalty calculation should be in the record file at the time the complaint is issued. The documentation should be supplemented to include a justification for any adjustment to the penalty amount in the complaint made after initial issuance of the complaint, if such adjustments are necessary.