Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

40.17.340 Extent of Deviation from Requirement

Evaluating the Extent of Deviation (Definition): The "extent of deviation" from the SHWMC and its regulatory requirements relates to the degree to which the violation renders inoperative the requirement violated. In any violation situation, a range of potential noncompliance with the subject requirement exists. In other words, a violator may be substantially compliance with the provisions of the requirement or it may have totally disregarded the requirement (or a point in between). In determining the extent of the deviation, the following categories should be used: MAJOR: The violator deviates from requirements of the regulation to such an extent that most (or important aspects) of the requirements are not met resulting in substantial noncompliance. MODERATE: The violator significantly deviates from the requirements of the regulation but some of the requirements are implemented as intended. MINOR: The violator deviates somewhat from the regulatory requirements but most (or all important aspects) of the requirements are met.