Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

40.18.170 Public Record

(a) The TM-TRP shall establish and maintain a Public Record of response actions conducted by the TM-TRP, or conducted by another party, or tribal or government agency, with oversight by the TM-TRP, that is updated at least annually. The Public Record shall include, at a minimum:

(1) A record of sites that at which response actions have been completed during the previous calendar year, including the name and location of such sites;

(2) A record of sites at which response actions are planned to be conducted in the coming calendar year;

(3) Upon completion of a response action, information of whether the site will be suitable for unrestricted use or if institutional controls on the use of the site or property will be implemented by the TM-TRP or the Tribes as part of the remedy; and

(4) Other such information as deemed appropriate by the TM-TRP.

(b) The public shall have access to all documents and related materials that the owner/operator of a site or property and/or the TM-TRP are relying upon to make response action decisions or conduct the site activities to include the:

(1) Notification of a Release

(2) Spill Reports

(3) Assessment Report(s)

(4) Remedial Agreement or Action Plan and related documents

(5) Notification of Completion of a Response Action

(6) Certification of Completion of a Response Action; and

(7) Post Response Action/Monitoring Plan (if required).

The public shall be provided a minimum of 14-day notice for any public meetings on a planned Response Action and for an opportunity to comment on a Response Action Plan and related activities.