Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

41.01.070 Application for License; Issuance of License; Denial of License

(a) Upon receipt and approval of an application for a license, the license fee, and the required security, the commissioner shall issue a license which shall be valid until it is suspended, revoked for cause, or otherwise canceled. The license is not transferable.

(b) A multiple license must be issued to a person who applies and qualifies for more than one type of license.

(c) The commissioner may refuse to issue a license to a person who has not provided the required security, who failed to provide the information requested on the application, who previously held a license which was revoked by the commissioner, who is a subterfuge for the real party in interest who previously held a license that was revoked by the commissioner, or upon other sufficient cause being shown. The commissioner shall grant the person the right to a hearing in accordance with the administrative code of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians. Written notice of the hearing must be served on the person at least ten days prior to the date established for the hearing.