Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

41.01.090 Bond or Letter of Credit Required

As a condition precedent to the issuance of a single or multiple license, a supplier, distributor, or importer shall furnish a surety bond, a cash bond, or an approved letter of credit as security to guarantee the payment of the motor vehicle fuel tax liabilities imposed by this chapter. A refiner, terminal operator, or an exporter who is not also licensed as a supplier or distributor is exempt from this requirement.

(a) The surety bond, cash bond, or letter of credit must be in an amount prescribed by the commissioner but not less than one thousand dollars.

(b) The surety bond, cash bond, or letter of credit is subject to approval by the commissioner.

(c) After a single or multiple license has been in effect for five or more years, the commissioner may review the person's records and may waive the requirement for a security. The requirement for a security may be reinstated at the discretion of the commissioner.

(d) A surety bond or letter of credit provided as security must be kept in the custody of the commissioner and may be used by the commissioner, 'without notice to the principal, if it becomes necessary to cover the motor vehicle fuel tax, penalties, and interest due.

(e) Money deposited with the commissioner as a cash bond must be made in the form of a cashier's check or bank money order payable to the commissioner. The money deposited may be used by the commissioner, without notice to the depositor, if it becomes necessary to cover tax, penalties, and interest due. If the money deposited is used to cover unpaid liabilities, the commissioner shall certify the information to the director of the office of management and budget.