Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

42.12.030 Community Notification

(a) Public notification may be required for sex offenses committed by juveniles, so long as said offenders were in fact tried as juvenile offenders, and such information shall remain confidential unless otherwise authorized or ordered by the Turtle Mountain Tribal Court.

(b) The Turtle Mountain Tribal Court may, require public notification of juvenile offenders within the Court's discretion, however, the Turtle Mountain Tribal Court must make specific findings as to:

(1) The age of the offender;

(2) the violent nature of the crime committed;

(3) any evidence of premeditation;

(4) the risk of recidivism based upon a psychological evaluation and risk assessment; and

(5) The need for community awareness to prevent further same or similar criminal acts by the juvenile offender.