Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

46.01.180 Failure to Comply with This Ordinance

(a) A Person or Employee shall not knowingly commence any planning where any of the Infrastructure Departments are impacted in accordance with this Ordinance. Employees especially shall be responsible for making all Persons they are working with aware of this Ordinance.

(b) A Person or Employee who shall fail to comply with this Ordinance shall be subject to Tribal Law or TMBC Employee Policy and Procedures.

(c) Failure by any Person to secure a Business License and/or Permit from the Tribal Council for a Project may result in the Tribal Council obtaining a Cease and Desist Order or Preliminary Injunction from the Tribal Court stopping all work on the Project. Upon receipt of a Cease and Desist Order or Preliminary Injunction from the Tribal Court, all Project activities shall stop. Failure to cease Project activities may subject any Person to civil penalties, fines and fees as provided herein.