Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

5.02.060 Guardian Ad Litem

(a) Appointment.

Upon the filing of a petition, in the instance of a deprived child, the Tribal Court may immediately appoint an adult as Guardian Ad Litem, to act as the legal advocate for the child in the proceedings upon the petition and to represent the best interest of the child.

(b) Qualifications.

The appointee should not be an individual directly involved in the case before the Court.

(c) Duties and responsibilities of Guardian Ad Litem.

The Guardian Ad Litem, once appointed by the Court, shall have as their primary duty to impartially represent the best interest of the child. The Guardian Ad Litem must submit a report to the Court outlining the results of his/her investigation into the child's situation. The report should include:

(1) An assessment of the child's present environment.

(2) Resources which the child requires.

(3) A description of the child's extended family and the possibility of using it as a resource.

(4) A description of the family support system.

(5) A statement requesting an evaluation of the child if it is deemed necessary by the Guardian Ad Litem.

(6) A statement regarding the child's wishes.

(7) A statement regarding the Guardian Ad Litem's recommendations.

These duties begin at the time of appointment and end at the time all issues for the Court are resolved.