Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

5.02.280 Modification, Revocation, or Extension of an Order

(a) Upon motion. The Court may modify, revoke, or extend an order at any time upon the motion of the following:

(1) The minor.

(2) The minor's parents, guardians, or custodian; or

(3) The agency having placement authority.

(b) Hearing. A hearing to modify, revoke, or extend a court order shall be conducted.

(c) Automatic termination. When a juvenile offender or minor in need of care reaches eighteen (18) years of age, all judgments affecting the minor shall automatically terminate unless the child is under the supervision of the Court. Court supervision can continue beyond the age of eighteen (18) years of age.

(d) Orders; Modifications. The Court may modify or set aside any order or decree made by it, but no modification of an order will be made until there has been a hearing conducted with proper notice to all persons concerned. Notice and a hearing shall also be required in any other case in which the effect of modifying or setting aside an order may be to deprive a parent of the legal custody of the child, to place the child in a child care facility, or agency. Transfer from one foster home to another may be affected without notice and hearing.

(e) Orders of termination; Notice. Notice of an order terminating probation or protective supervision may be given to the parents, guardian, custodian and where appropriate to the child.

(f) Court adjudication. Not criminal in nature.