Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

5.11.030 Prosecution for Violation of Compulsory Attendance Law Officers Charged with Enforcement

Every school board member, school superintendent, principal, truant officer, and teacher in any school system in this jurisdiction shall be charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter relating to compulsory school attendance. Such enforcement shall extend to all children who are offered school facilities by the district, regardless of whether or not they actually reside within the district. Such persons shall inquire into all cases of alleged violation of such provisions and shall obtain from any parent, guardian, or other person having custody of any child of school age not attending school in accordance with the requirements of this chapter the reason, if any, for such absence. The school superintendent or principal shall report to the Tribal Court the facts in connection with any violation of the compulsory attendance law. The Tribal Court shall prosecute any person who violates the compulsory school attendance provisions of this chapter. The school board of any school district may employ a truant officer to assist in the enforcement of the compulsory school attendance provisions.