Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

50.03.150 Correction Orders

(a) If the department or the department's authorized agent finds, upon inspection, that the program or premises licensed are not in compliance with this chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter, the department or the department's authorized agent shall issue a correction order to the licensee, may withhold payment, provided the department does not revoke the license as a result of the noncompliance.

(1) The correction order must cite the specific law or rule violated, state the factual basis of the violation, state the suggested method of correction, and specify the time allowed for correction.

(2) The correction order must also specify the amount of any fiscal sanction, if any, to be assessed if the program fails to comply with the correction order in a timely fashion.

(b) Within five business days of the receipt of the correction order, the licensee of the early childhood program shall notify the parent of each child receiving early childhood services that a correction order has been issued.

(c) In addition to providing notice to the parent of each child, the licensee shall post the correction order in a conspicuous location upon the early childhood premises until the violation has been corrected or for five days, whichever is longer.